Northumberland - Nov '21
Saturday 13th November
Route: A circular route of 7.5 miles on and around Hadrian’s Wall with a possible refreshment stop at Housesteads. Depending on the fitness of the group, we expect it to take somewhere between 4 and 5 hours.
Difficulty: Medium, mostly on good paths but a small section on grassland and a couple of slightly boggy areas after rain. Most averagely fit young people should be able to cope. The walk will be accompanied but, depending upon numbers, we may break the group into teams.
Risk Assessment: The route has been pre-walked by members of the BBMC who have noted the hazards. We will be using the standard BBMC risk assessment for walking in wild country. Main concerns are some sections of Hadrian’s Wall are on the top of crags with a sudden drop, where it is important to stay on the path. There are some steep sections with stone steps where care must be taken. The walk will be led by qualified and experienced BBMC leaders.
What to bring: Suitable footwear (walking shoes/boots always recommended but not essential) and waterproofs, day ruck sack containing a water bottle & lunch, and a warm spare top. Maps and/or compasses, if you have them, but they are not essential.
Training: We will hope to provide some basic navigation skills training during the course of the day.
Contact: David Parker, 3rd Gateshead, 07521 719410, Please contact David if you intend to come and he will send out further details about when and where to meet.

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