Foel-fras - 944 m (3,097 ft)

Foel-fras is the 11th highest mountain in Wales as well as being the most northerly, being just over 4 miles from the sea. Hence it has a good view of the North Wales coast. Its plateau is quite grassy and sprawls over quite a large area.

See its entry on Walkhighlands or Wikipedia or view it from above on Google Earth.

Foel comes from the Welsh word Moel (with the M soft-mutated to an F after a now lost definite article) is normally an adjective that means Bald, Bald-headed or Tonsured. But in the context of a hill or mountain, it is a noun that means Mountain or Hill that it is bare or treeless.

Fras comes from the Welsh word Bras (with the B soft-mutated to an F, as it is an adjective qualifying a female singular noun) meaning Thick, Fat, Plump, Stout, Bulky, Fatted, Large or Strong. It could also mean Fertile, Luxuriant or Rich, but consdering the type of ground the mountain obviously has, these translations can be ruled out. 

Given the shape of the mountain, and the translations offered elsewhere on the Internet, Broad would undoubtedly be the best translation.

So Foel-fras is appropriatelly translated as Broad (Treeless) Hill.

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